1. Choose the correct chronological sequence from east to west:

(A) Colossus Buddha of Bamiyan, Santa Sophia, Parthenon, Magao caves
(B) Santa Sophia, Parthenon, Magao caves, Colossus Buddha of Bamiyan
(C) Parthenon Magao caves, Colossus Buddha of Bamiyan, Santa Sophia
(D) Magao caves, Colossus Buddha of Bamiyan, Santa Sophia, Parthenon

Answer: (D)

2. Choose the correct chronological sequence of the highest grossing films directed by Steven Spielberg:

(A) Jaws, ET, Jurassic Park, The Adventures of Tintin
(B) Jurassic Park, The Adventures of Tintin, ET, Jaws
(C) The Adventures of Tintin, Jaws, Jurassic Park, ET
(D) ET, The Adventures of Tintin, Jaws, Jurassic Park

Answer: (A)

3. Choose the correct sequence:

(A) Ammonium bichromate, Stretching cloth on frame, Design expose, Printing
(B) Printing, Design expose, Ammonium bichromate, Stretching cloth on frame
(C) Stretching cloth on frame, Ammonium bichromate, Design expose, Printing
(D) Design expose, Stretching cloth on frame, Ammonium bichromate, Printing

Answer: (C)

4. Choose the correct chronological sequence in seniority among these printmakers:

(A) Anupam Sood, Devyani Krishna, Lalita Lajmi, Rini Dhoomal
(B) Devyani Krishna, Lalita Lajmi, Anupam Sood, Rini Dhoomal
(C) Rini Dhoomal, Anupam Sood, Devyani Krishna, Lalita Lajmi
(D) Lalita Lajmi, Anupam Sood, Rini Dhoomal, Devyani Krishna

Answer: (B)

5. Choose the correct chronological sequence in seniority among these printmakers:

(A) Johann Gutenberg, Aloys Senefelder, Stanley William Hayter, Carol Summers
(B) Aloys Senefelder, Stanley William Hayter, Johann Gutenberg, Carol Summers
(C) Stanley William Hayter, Johann Gutenberg, Carol Summers, Aloys Senefelder
(D) Carol Summers, Johann Gutenberg, Aloys Senefelder, Stanley William Hayter

Answer: (A)

6. Choose the correct chronological sequence of the following four women sculptors in India:

(A) Meera Mukherjee, Piloo Pochkhanawala, Latika Katt, Sudha Arora
(B) Piloo Pochkhanawala, Meera Mukherjee, Sudha Arora, Latika Katt
(C) Latika Katt, Piloo Pochkhanawala, Meera Mukherjee, Sudha Arora
(D) Sudha Arora, Latika Katt, Meera Mukherjee, Piloo Pochkhanawala

Answer: (B)

7. Choose the reverse chronological order for the four historic periods:

(A) Maurya, Sunga, Kushana, Gupta
(B) Kushana, Gupta, Maurya, Sunga
(C) Sunga, Gupta, Maurya, Kushana
(D) Gupta, Kushana, Sunga, Maurya

Answer: (D)

8. Choose the correct chronological sequence:

(A) Nataraja (Chola), Yakshi from Didarganj, Bronze figurine of a girl (Mohenjodaro), Mahishasuramardini (Mamallapuram)

(B) Bronze figurine of a girl(Mohenjo-daro), Yakshi from Didarganj, Mahishasuramardini (Mamallapuram), Nataraja (Chola)

(C) Yakshi from Didarganj, Bronze figurine of a girl (Mohenjodaro), Mahishasuramardini (Mamallapuram), Nataraja (Chola)

(D) Mahishasuramardini (Mamallapuram), Bronze figurine a girl (Mohenjo-daro), Yakshi from Didarganj, Nataraja (Chola)

Answer: (B)

9. Choose the correct chronological sequence:

(A) “Virgin and Child” (Giovanni Pisano), “Pieta” (Michelangelo), “David” (Bernini), “Kiss” (Brancusi)

(B) “Pieta” (Michelangelo), “Virgin and Child” (Giovanni Pisano), “David” (Bernini), “Kiss” (Brancusi)

(C) “Kiss” (Brancusi), “Virgin and Child” (Giovanni Pisano), “Pieta” (Michelangelo), “David” (Bernini)

(D) “David” (Bernini), “Virgin and Child” (Giovanni Pisano), “Pieta” (Michelangelo), “Kiss” (Brancusi)

Answer: (A)

10. Assertion (A): The Pre-Mughal Bhagavata Purana of c. 1550 AD is closely similar to th pictorial language of the Chaurapanchasika paintings.

Reason (R): Because both manuscripts share similar figure type, two-dimensional space, architectural units etc.


(A) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.
(B) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.
(C) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.

Answer: (C)