1. The Last (Anta) expelled Dravya in Samyak Vaman is ……
A) Vatant
B) Pittant
C) Kaphant
D) Raktant
Answer: (B)
2. The order of Explusion of Doshas in Samyak Vaman is ……
A) Kapha-Pitta-Vayu
B) Kapha-Vayu-Pitta
C) Pitta-Vayu-Kapha
D) Vayu-Pitta-Kapha
Answer: (A)
3. According to Acharya Vagbhat in Heena Vega of Vaman …………should be administrered
A) Pippali and Amalaki
B) Pippali. Lavana and Amalaki
C) Pippali. Lavana, Sarshapa, Amalaki
D ) Vasapatra Churna
Answer: (C)
4. In Vaman Ayog, which symptom is manifested?
A) Kandu, Kotha
B) Virechana
C) Jeevadan
D) Bhrama
Answer: (A)
5. The Madanphala Vamak Dravya Matra is……….
A) 18 pala
B) 16 pala
C) ½ pala
D) Antaranakhamushti
Answer: (A)
6 Parikartika Upadrava manifest due to .............of Virechan
A) Ayoga
B) Atiyog
C) Mithyayoga
D) Gativaiparitya
Answer: (B)
7. The Asana of Vamanapeetha should be ……….
A) Halasan
B) Pashimotanasan
C) Janutulyasana
D) Bahutulyasana
Answer: (C)
8. The Sneha Vishrama Deena during Vamana is ……….
A) 1day
B) 2 days
C) 3 days
D) 4 days
Answer: (A)
9. Before performing Vamana, the patient should be kept ….on Vamaka day
A) Niranna (Empty stomach)
B) Ghritayukta Yavagu
C) Rajamasha
D) Mudaga
Answer: (B)
10 After giving Vamaka dravya, when patient manifest Sweda, then it should be concluded that
A) Dosha Vilayana
B) Dosha sthan chalita
C) Dosha Urdhwagaman
D) Dosha Adhogaman
Answer: (A)
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