MCQs on Physical Education -47
1. Select the correct option: Flexion and extension take place around
(A) Medio-lateral axis
(B) Anterio Posterior axis
(C) Vertical axis
(D) Sagittal axis
Answer: (A)
2. Select the correct option Protraction and retraction take place in
(A) Hip Joint
(B) Shoulder joint
(C) Elbow joint
(D) Knee joint
Answer: (B)
3. Select the correct option:
Focus of physical education is
(A) Motion
(B) Fitness
(C) Man
(D) Man in motion
Answer: (D)
4. Select the most suitable option:
(A) Soccer is a game
(B) Soccer is a sport as well as a game
(C) Soccer is a sport
(D) Soccer is a play
Answer: (B)
5. Select that correct option: During strenuous exercise, the major reason for onset of fatigue is
(A) O2 debt
(B) Depletion of O2
(C) Lactic acid formation
(D) Increase of CO2 level
Answer: (C)
6. Which one of the following is not the part of Hydrotherapy?
(A) Wax bath
(B) Cryotherapy
(C) Whirlpool bath
(D) Contrast bath
Answer: (A)
7. Select the correct option:
Assessment of group cohesion is done through
(A) Observation during training and competition
(B) Performance tests
(C) Sociogram
(D) Knowledge based tests
Answer: (C)
8. Select the correct option:
Psychological core of personality is the most basic level of personality. It is
(A) Adjustment to environment
(B) Internal and constant
(C) Role related behaviour
(D) External & dynamic
Answer: (B)
9. Select the correct option: National Fitness Corps was introduced in
(A) 1965
(B) 1966
(C) 1967
(D) 1968
Answer: (A)
10. In which of the following places, there is no centre of Sports Authority of India?
(A) Kolkata
(B) Bangalore
(C) Patiala
(D) Chandigarh
Answer: (D)
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