Solved Question Paper of Recruitment Test (Combined CBRT) conducted by UPSC for the Posts of Labour Enforcement Officers (Central) held on 25.11.2017
11:20, 11:40, 12:20, ?, 14:40, 16:20
Which one of the following is the missing time in the series given above?
(a) 13:00
(b) 13:20
(c) 13:40
(d) 14:00
112. In a certain language COLLEGE is coded as DNNJHDI. How will FOREIGN be coded in the same language?
113. Which one of the following statements must be FALSE if ABCD are to be seated in a row; C and D are not to be adjacent to each other; and B is not to be at the third place?
(a) A is at the fourth place
(b) A is at the third place
(c) A is at the second place
(d) A is at the first place
114. If prime numbers are assigned to English letters from A to Z in order, then MAT will be:
(a) 31 1 67
(b) 41 1 67
(c) 37 2 71
(d) 41 2 71
Answer: (d)
115. Consider the following statements and conclusions:
1. All the pens are papers
2. All the papers are boats
3. Some birds are papers
1. Some boats are birds
2. Some birds are pens
3. No pens are birds
Which of the conclusions logically follow from the statements given above?
(a) 1 only
(b) 1 and 2
(c) 1 and 3
(d) 2 and 3
Answer: (a)
116. A person goes 5 km towards north from a fixed point. Then he goes 3 km after turning to his right. After this he goes 5 km after turning to his right. Finally he goes 4 km after turning to his left. How far and in which direction is he now from the fixed point?
(a) 7 km east
(b) 7 km north east
(c) 9 km east
(d) 4 km west
117. Consider the following series:
2L4, 3O5, 4R6, 5U7, ?
Which one of the following is the missing figure in the series given above?
(a) 6X8
(b) 6V8
(c) 6W8
(d) 6Y8
118. In the series of the first 24 natural numbers 1 to 24, if each four consecutive numbers from the left are written in the reverse order, then which one of the following numbers will be the 8th number to the left of the 10th number from your right?
(a) 12
(b) 7
(c) 6
(d) 5
119. If ‘PXQ’ means P is the brother of Q, ‘P/Q’ means P is the son of Q and ‘P-Q’ means P is the sister of Q, then which one of the following will show that Q is the maternal uncle of P?
(a) P/R-Q and QXS
(b) P/R-Q and Q- S
(c) QXR/P and QXS
(d) PXR-Q and QXS
120. In a family each boy has as many sisters as brothers and each girl has twice as many brothers as sisters. How many children are there in the family?
(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 7
Answer: (d)
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