Solved Question Paper of Recruitment Test (Computer Based Recruitment Test) conducted by UPSC for the Posts of Medical Officer (General Duty Medical Officer), Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of NCT of Delhi held on 20.10.2019.

101. Live attenuated vaccine for influenza administered as a single dose intranasal spray is recommended for the use of which age group of people?

(a) Infants less than 6 months of age

(b) Elderly people more than 70 years of age

(c) Individuals 2 years to 49 years

(d) Elderly people more than 80 years of age

Answer: (c)

102. The natural history of disease can be best studied by which type of epidemiological study?

(a) Cross sectional study

(b) Case control study

(c) Cohort study

(d) Experimental study

Answer: (c)

103. Which one of the following statements about Sentinel Surveillance is most appropriate?

(a) It is routine notification so that some cases can be identified

(b) The data collected cannot be extrapolated to population

(c) It identifies the missing cases and thereby supplements notified cases

(d) It creates a reporting bias in the system

Answer: (c)

104. Proportional mortality from tuberculosis is calculated by which one of the following rates?

(a) Total number of deaths from tuberculosis per 1000 mid-year population

(b) Total number of deaths due to tuberculosis per total number of cases of tuberculosis in that year

(c) Total number of patients of tuberculosis alive per total number of patients diagnosed in that year

(d) Total number of deaths from tuberculosis per total deaths from all causes in that year

Answer: (d)

105. Which one of the following vaccines is recommended for prevention of diphtheria under Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) at present?

(a) DTaP

(b) dT

(c) Pentavalent

(d) DTPw

Answer: (c)

106. All the houses in a community are numbered first. Then a number is selected between 1 and 10 randomly. Then every 10th number is selected from that point onwards. Which sampling method has been followed in the above example?

(a) Non randomized sampling

(b) Simple random sampling

(c) Systematic random sampling

(d) Stratified random sampling

Answer: (c)

107. Vaccination schedule of Rotarix vaccine for prevention of diarrhea is described by which one of the following statements?

(a) Two doses given 4 weeks apart between 2 - 4 months

(b) Two doses given 4 weeks apart between 4– 6 months

(c) Three doses given 4 weeks apart starting after 6 weeks

(d) Three doses given 4 weeks apart starting after 12 weeks

Answer: (a)

108. The food contaminated with Clostridium botulinum toxin can be made safe by which one of the following procedures?

(a) Deep freezing the food to –20 °C for few minutes

(b) Heating the food up to 100 °C for few minutes

(c) Keeping the food at room temperature open to air for a day

(d) Passing oxygen through the food for few minutes

Answer: (b)

109. Orthotolidine (OT) test in water enables determination of:

(a) free chlorine only

(b) combined chlorine only

(c) both free and combined chlorine

(d) free fluorine

Answer: (c)

110. Insulin resistance syndrome is NOT associated with which one of the following?

(a) Hyperinsulinaemia

(b) Low levels of triglycerides

(c) Hypertension

(d) Increased endothelial proliferation

Answer: (b)