Solved Question Paper of Recruitment Test (Computer Based Recruitment Test) conducted by UPSC for the Posts of Medical Officer (General Duty Medical Officer), Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of NCT of Delhi held on 20.10.2019.

51. A mother has active pulmonary tuberculosis and has received antituberculosis therapy for 1 month before delivery. The newborn is started on isoniazid prophylaxis. What is the next step in management?

(a) Exclusive breast feeding and evaluation of the baby at 6 weeks

(b) Isoniazid therapy for 6 months

(c) Exclusive breast feeding and BCG vaccination at birth

(d) BCG vaccine at 6 weeks of age

Answer: (a)

52. A 23 year old female with history of vaginal discharge delivers a baby who develops copious purulent bilateral eye discharge 48 hours after birth. Gram staining of the discharge reveals Gram-positive diplococci. What is the treatment of choice?

(a) Topical gentamicin drops

(b) Injection ceftriaxone

(c) Ciprofloxacin or polymyxin ointment

(d) Oral erythromycin

Answer: (b)

53. Which one of the following is a red flag sign in child development?

(a) No visual fixation by 3 months

(b) No vocalization by 4 months

(c) Not walking alone by 12 months

(d) No single words by 14 months

Answer: (a)

54. Which one of the following poisonings is associated with bradycardia?

(a) Clonidine

(b) Aspirin

(c) Cocaine

(d) Tricyclic antidepressants

Answer: (a)

55. What are the most common symptoms of kerosene oil poisoning?

(a) Respiratory

(b) Cardiovascular

(c) Central nervous system

(d) Endocrinal

Answer: (a)

56. A 3 month old infant with brachycephaly, hypotonia and mongoloid eye slant presents with congestive heart failure. What is the most likely underlying cardiac lesion?

(a) Pulmonary artery stenosis

(b) Aortic stenosis

(c) Endocardial cushion defect

(d) Tetrology of fallot

Answer: (c)

57. A 10 year old child presents with chronic liver disease and portal hypertension. Which one of the following vaccines may be administered?

(a) Hepatitis A vaccine

(b) Typhoid vaccine

(c) Influenza vaccine

(d) Meningococcal vaccine

Answer: (a)

58. What is the primary objective of ‘Mission Indradhanush’ ?

(a) To fully immunize more than 90% of infants by 2020

(b) To completely immunize all children of all under five years by 2020

(c) To vaccinate all pregnant women at delivery by 2020

(d) To fully immunize all newborns by 2030

Answer: (a)

59. Beneficiaries of Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) include children aged:

(a) 0-3 years

(b) 0-5 years

(c) 0-12 years

(d) 0-18 years

Answer: (d)

60. A two year old child presents with poor growth, anemia, easy bruising and hepatosplenomegaly. Which one among the following is the most likely diagnosis?

(a) Krabbe disease

(b) Gaucher disease

(c) Tay Sach disease

(d) Phenylketonuria

Answer: (b)